It was Christmas. We were vacationing at Willowbank, a rejuvenating resort on the west end of Bermuda.
Dropping our suitcases, we scurried out of the patio door to see what vantage point the seaside bungalow offered.
A whir of brown wings!….and my husband and I were immediately surrounded by friendly sparrows. Perching on the rail fence bordering the patio, the sparrows, such common wildlife, let us know they were glad to see us! And furthermore, they were in the habit of receiving handouts from the bungalows’ guests!
During our stay on Bermuda, unfamiliar sounds of other wildlife thrilled us: the confident cry of the yellow-breasted kiskadee, and the musical piping of tiny frogs in the palm trees at night.
Although the new wildlife sounds will be remembered always, it was the whir of brown wings….wings of sparrows ….that made us feel instantly at home on beautiful Bermuda!