Come With Me – 12×24 Canvas Print


Oil on Canvas Print

12 x 24 (unframed)

Footprints in the snow invite you to follow



The birches bid you try the path. Step into their wintry kingdom, dusted with diamonds!

Above the squeak and crunch of your boots in the snow, a chickadee staccatos its dee-dee-dee through the frosty air!

The path winds through glades of spruce, and then along a silenced, snowbound stream by some trapper’s cabin.

Climbing a knoll, a slight bit of wind dislodges puffs of snow overhead, showering it all over you!

Around the bend, you approach once more the rustic fence, stencilled in blue upon the snow.

As you step out of the oil painting, why not sit on the rock for a spell?

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Oil on Canvas Print


12" x 24"